What is research in Islamic studies is an important question. Research is one of the strongest reasons for strengthening faith, and the reason for gaining knowledge, so that its owner becomes one of those who truly fear God.
Islamic studies are concerned with knowing God, the universe and man, and are concerned with knowing God’s judgment on the actions of those responsible, and their relationship with each other.
What is a Research Method?
After we have clarified what is research in Islamic studies, let’s know the method of research, isIslamic Studies is a broad field; from where
Time, spanning fourteen centuries, including nights, days, months, and years
As for the place, minds and geniuses from all over the world have participated in Islamic studies. From China in the east to the Atlantic in the west, and from Siberia in the north to the ends of Africa in the south
As for the subject, in the vastness of this religion a great many sciences have developed, and they are still growing and steadily, and all of them are based on it.
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The first and most important step in preparing the research

It is necessary to choose the title of the research very carefully
Because the title reflects the scientific content of the research, there is no increase or decrease, and choosing the appropriate title is considered half of the research.
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Introduction to the research
The introduction should contain a quick overview of the heart of the topic and some ambiguity.
The more solid and good the plan, the more systematic and vigorous the research will be.
Characteristics of a Researcher
There are many characteristics that distinguish the Islamic studies approach, which can be summarized in the following points;
Comprehensiveness and integration
The Islamic studies approach is a divine approach that seeks to form a good person.
Islam is the religion of instinct, for the Islamic approach is concerned with all aspects of the human being, physical, spiritual and mental, and his social, economic and political activities.
And other activities, and it includes man’s world and the hereafter, his apparent work and his thoughts that he harbors in himself, and even includes the intention with them
The balance of the Islamic studies approach is a balance between the energy of the body, the energy of the mind and the energy of the soul.
Balance between human material and morale. And between his necessities and needs, between life in reality and life in imagination, between belief in tangible reality and belief in the unseen that the senses cannot perceive.
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One of the results of merging all human energies and linking them to each other, is that the person turns into a positive energy working in life.
And man, as God wants him, is an active and directing force, and therefore he is a positive force in the reality of life
Islam takes the human being by the reality that he is, knows the limits of his energies, knows his demands and necessities, and appreciates these and that, and knows his weakness towards temptations
The importance of research in Islamic studies
Instilling the foundations of knowledge, belief, jurisprudence, morality and devotion in Islamic studies
The formation of a scientific and distinguished personality in its deep and comprehensive understanding of the Noble Qur’an and the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet and the legal rulings deduced from them.
Work on the formation of the distinguished Islamic personality, which plays its role in the field of calling to God, and drawing an ideal image of Islam in the hearts of others
Employing modern technologies in dealing with sources of knowledge to reach the best picture of acquiring academic skills
Providing the community with qualified scientific competencies in the field of Islamic studies
Advance scientific research in Islamic studies according to a sound scientific methodology and employ it to deal with developments in a manner that serves the Muslim community
Active participation in Arab and Islamic seminars, research and conferences
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Types of Research in Islamic Studies

There are many sections of research and classifications, which we can summarize in the following points;
- Library research – It is research that depends on library sources and references
- Field research – It is scientific research that is mainly based on field sources of information
- Descriptive scientific research – This research depends on observing the phenomenon or research problem and describing it accurately
- Historical research – It studies phenomena, events, or problems that occurred in the past
Tools of a Research
Scientific research tools are used to obtain data and information that contribute to explaining the detailed study in question. There are many research tools such as;
- questionnaire.
- The mother is able.
- Note.
- the exams
Principles of a Scientific Research
The correct application of scientific research methods requires the researcher’s commitment to a set of general principles and foundations that are recognized in the name of the principles of scientific research. Among these principles are;
Principle of Avoiding Overgeneralization
The researcher should not resort to generalizations in a way that may deviate from the topic and try to link the ingredients with the results as much as possible.
It is for the researcher to deal with any subject in a neutral and objective manner outside of his personal tendencies and not to submit to his own desire.
Principle of not confusing concepts
The scientific outcome of the researcher must be comprehensive and diverse, and he must realize the meanings of the concepts that he may use within the study
The principle of scientific integrity
Plagiarism is one of the worst mistakes a researcher can make, as the principles of scientific research are based on the correct attribution and accuracy of sources.
Principle of Right Thought
The researcher must abide by the rules of sound thought that are usually contained in the deductive approach.
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Methods of a research in Islamic Studies
Scientific research in its ancient history is linked to man’s constant attempt to know and understand the universe in which he lives, and the desire for knowledge has been inherent to man since the early stages of the development of civilization.
Islam studies was the source of the first scientific civilization, and with it was the life of souls, and it was the guiding light for people, showing them the path of goodness, prosperity, progress and the rise of civilizations.
Scientific research is not an innovation among Arabs and Muslims. Their scholars excelled in various sciences and arts, and their books, research, and effects are still filling the world.
Stages of research in Islamic Studies
To prepare the research well, there are a number of steps that need to be followed from the beginning;
- Choosing and defining the topic of the research and reflecting on the appropriate title for the research.
- Using the research tools and methods available to the researcher.
- Write down all the results obtained by the student
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Quantitative research in Islamic studies
Quantitative research explores causal relationships between variables, or differences between categories, or searches.
for a quantitative description of a phenomenon that is far from individuals’ feelings and beliefs, in addition to its reliance on statistical methods in data collection and analysis.
What is the aim of Islamic education?
Islamic studies education aims to create a balanced person coexisting with the perennial universe of the earth, and to harness its bounties.
It is a comprehensive and balanced education that seeks to achieve the succession of man in the land for its reconstruction for the purpose of achieving the interests of the community.
By making man truly and devoted to the worship of God, coexisting with the universe and existence, coexisting with man in general.
and cultivating the earth by devoting it and its bounties to achieving the purpose of worshiping God in accordance with Islamic law.
It is a comprehensive and balanced education that covers and includes the personality of the human being in all stages of his development, in its spiritual and material dimensions.