Tattooing is a form of physical modification and is made by placing a fixed mark on the body by stitching the skin with a needle and then placing the dye through these openings and wounds to remain inside the skin and not go away.
Tattooing on the human body is considered a kind of physical modification and decoration, while on an animal it is more common and is for identification purposes or the owner of this animal.
So we will discuss in our article today, where in the Quran does it say tattoo’s are haram.
What kind of tattoo is haram in Islam?
The majority of jurists went to say that tattoo’s are haram, based on the authentic hadith that was proven from the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – in cursing the tattooed woman and the one who tattooed.
which was narrated by Ibn Omar – may God be pleased with him – on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, where he said:
God cursed the hyphenated one. And the tattooed, and the tattooed, and the tattooed
Some of the Maliki jurists, and some of the Shafi’i jurists considered tattooing as one of the major sins whose perpetrators are cursed.
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What did the Prophet say about tattoos?
the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, where he said:
(God cursed the hyphenated one. And the tattooed, and the tattooed, and the tattooed)
What are Temporary Tattoos?
A temporary tattoo is a decorative image that sticks to the skin by placing it on the desired place.
and gives the appearance of a permanent tattoo without the need to adhere to it throughout life, and it begins to fade after the passage of time.
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Are Temporary Tattoos Haram?
The ruling on temporary tattoos The scholars issued a fatwa prohibiting temporary tattoos that last for six months or more.
for example, injecting the eyebrows under the skin using chemicals, or what is placed to define the lips.
Likewise, because of the possibility of renewing it when its effect is gone, and this is what makes it like the forbidden permanent tattoo.
As for the ruling on temporary tattoos that are in the form of dyes and the like, it is permissible and not prohibited, analogous to the permissibility of adornment with henna and drawing.
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The conditions for temporary tattoos to be halal are the

Conditions for Permissibility of Temporary Tattoos Temporary tattoos are permissible under the following conditions:
- The material that is used in the tattoo or temporary tattoo is safe on the body and does not harm the person.
- That the material used in drawing the temporary tattoo is removable and does not stick permanently or for a long time.
- That tattooing should not be following or imitation of those who are hostile to Islam.
- That the tattoo does not expose the private parts or touch anything that is not permissible to touch on the body.
- That the woman does not go out and uncover it, so he draws attention and denies the cover.
- That it does not contain pictures of animals and living creatures, and does not imitate women with men, or vice versa.
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Why are Tattoos Haram?
Islam prohibited tattoos, and made the reason for the prohibition to be:
changing the creation of God – Glory be to Him -, and this reason made many actions fall under the rule of prohibition.
and accordingly, the worst actions are to change what God’s creation was upon without necessity; Because of the corruption and anomalies of right and sin.
The tattoo is also considered a retention of the blood dye substance that was extracted into the skin, and it is one of the impurities.
so the Muslim is as if he is carrying the impurity all the time, which affects the validity of his prayer, and his obedience that requires removing the impurity.
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where in the quran does it say tattoos are haram
There are many Quranic texts that categorically tattoos are haram, including;
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “If they claim without me, but they only claim a Devil Merida (117) God curse and said to take from your servants.
Allaah says,; And whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it
Hadith on Tattoos
On the authority of Abdullah, he said: “God cursed the tattooed, the tattooed, the groined, the flabby, for the beauty of the altering creation of God. So this reached a woman from Banu Asad called Umm Yaqoub, and she came and said: It has reached me that you cursed Kit and Kit. Is it in the Book of God? She said: I have read what is between the two tablets, but I did not find what you say in it. He said: If you read it, you will find it. Have you not read: What the Messenger has given you, take it, and what he forbids you, then abstain? She said: Yes, he said: He has forbidden it. I see your family doing it. He said: So go and see. So I went and looked and saw nothing of her need. He said: If that was the case, she would not have intercourse with us.
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What if you’re a Muslim who already has a Tattoo?
If the situation is what you mentioned that the tattoo was done to you when you were young and you cannot remove it now.
then you pray and your prayer and imam are valid, and it is not obligatory to remove it, and there is no sin on you for that because it was done to you and you are not obligated.
But if it is done with your consent and you are old and sane, then you will be a sinner and expose yourself to the curse of the Messenger of God.
peace be upon him, as in the report of the two Sahihs on the authority of Ibn Masoud, may God be pleased with him:
May God curse the hyphenated one, the one who wears it, and the one who tattoos it.
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Should you remove the Tattoo if you already have one?

Modern science has proven that tattoos are extremely harmful to the body; Because it represents a penetration into the body to introduce some colored chemicals into it to fix it on the body.
but if it was by applying an ordinary dye on the skin such as henna as long as this substance does not harm the human being.
and the wife did it to her husband and did not show it to foreign men, this is permissible according to Sharia.
As for tattooing, the Prophet had warned against it and the evidence for the prohibition came from the Sunnah of the Prophet.
when he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said:
“May God curse the hyphenate, the one who does it, the one who tattoos it, and the one who tattoos it.”
Likewise, whoever does this action must repent to God Almighty and resolve within him that he will not return to me. He did it again.
and he should strive as much as he could to remove it, unless removing it resulted in severe harm or he was unable to remove it because of its high cost.
He has no money to pay to remove it, in which case sincere repentance is sufficient for him.
As for the ruling on someone who died or died and this tattoo is still on his body and he has repented of it and was unable to remove it before his death.
Sheik Saleh Al-Azhari, a member of the Fatwa Committee, says that, God willing, God accepts his repentance and his command is delegated to God Almighty. He held him accountable for this sin.
What is the meaning of Makruh in Islam?
What is makrooh according to the people of knowledge is: the one who should be left, but he is not a sinner who does it.
but it is disliked to do it, such as talking after dinner, without knowledge and other than necessary matters; Because it may distract one from the obligatory prayer and may cause staying up late.
the Prophet used to hate sleeping before it and talking after it, peace and blessings be upon him.
like the large number of conversations in mosques about worldly matters that are makrooh and not forbidden, such as gossip that: There is no makruh benefit in it.
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Are Tattoos Halal or Makruh?
There are many texts in the Noble Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah that show that tattoos are hram, and the scholars of the Islamic nation have unanimously agreed to prohibit tattoos as well.
The ruling is due to the prohibition of tattoos for several reasons, including;
- Changing the appearance of God’s creation and causing harm to the human body.
- just as a Muslim should not follow modern fashion methods.
What is the punishment for tattoos in Islam?
The tattoo in Islam is the stitching of the member with a needle until the blood flows from it, then the place is filled with kohl or ink, so the color of the skin becomes green or blue.
The prohibition of tattooing, which in the first way has causes, including the first: the impurity that it causes to the tattooed place because of the blood mixed with the dye.
The scholars said: This place that has been tattooed becomes impure. If it is feared that it will be damaged, or a organ missing, or a benefit of a organ, or something obscene in an apparent organ, it is not obligatory to remove it.
The survival of the tattoos of the tattoors and change to create God Almighty, as stated in the text of the previous talk mentioned:
«The changes of God», and what came in the words of God. Satan takes a guardian besides God, so he has lost a clear loss.”
All of these matters have been witnessed in the hadiths that curse the one who does it and that it is a major sin, and differed in the meaning for which it was forbidden.
This which is forbidden is only what remains; Because it is a matter of changing the creation of God Almighty, as for what is not remaining, such as kohl and adornment with it for women, the scholars have permitted that.
The tattoo is painful to the body by stitching the needle, and needle stitches are unnecessarily harmful to the human being.
It is well known in Islamic law that it is forbidden to harm oneself or others. The Almighty said:
“And do not throw yourself into destruction.
There is a new technique called microblading or what is called “tattoing.” Many or most of the specialists say that no blood comes out of it.
and the fatwa is that if no blood comes out of it, then we will leave the circle of tattoos, so it is permissible.
Tattoo’s are haram, and it is a major sin, because the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – cursed the tattooist and the tattooed woman.
It is forbidden in Islam, and it is a major sin, and it is one of changing the creation of God, Glory be to Him.
which Satan has vowed to command whoever among the children of Adam responds to him, as in his saying: “And I would command them, so let them change God’s creation.
Tattooing is not permitted to be done or approved, and it must be forbidden and warned against, and a statement that it is a major sin, and whoever does this by her choice and desir.
then she is a sinner and she must repent to God Almighty and remove this effect if she is able to remove it. Without her knowledge and without her consent.
as if he did something to her when she was young and did not realize, the sin is on the one who did it, but if it is possible to remove it, then she must do so, but if it is not possible, then she is excused in this case.
Can you pray if you have a tattoo in Islam?

Fixed tattoos in which the blood is trapped under the skin is forbidden according to Sharia agreement.
and repentance is required from it, and it must be removed if there is no harm to its owner. There is no sin upon its owner after repentance.
Is tattoo removal halal?
Tattooing is not permissible, neither for a man nor for a woman, neither on the face, nor on the hands, nor on anything else.
Because the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, cursed the tattooed one and the one who is tattooed, so it is necessary to beware of that, and not to go back to it.
The duty of the one who does this is to leave him, to seek God’s forgiveness, and to repent to Him from what has passed.
and this is the duty in every sin: abandoning it, and being wary of it; Fearing God, glorifying Him, and obeying Him and His Messenger – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – with repentance from what has gone before.
As for what remains of the effects of that, he does not have to remove it if it is harmful, and he does not have to remove that; Because harm can still be caused by harm.
so if the tattoos on it cannot be removed except with something more harmful and more severe, then they will still be removed, and God pardons the past.
Because this is not part of his work from the work of someone else, but if it is possible to remove that without hardship or harm, then it must be removed, it must be removed.
But if that can only happen with hardship, or something worse, then there is nothing wrong with that, and it is not necessary to remove it.
Where in the Quran does it say tattoo’s are haram – FAQ
Is tattoo haram for men in Islam?
The Islamic religion has recognized that tattoo’s are haram and the prohibition of tattoos for both men and women.
There is no difference between them, as many texts have been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, which acknowledge that tattoo’s are haram.
Will Allah forgive me for having tattoos?
The law of Islam has prohibited the tattooing process, as tattooing is considered a change in the creation of God Almighty and his legal ruling that it is forbidden.
Rather, his ruling may reach those who know his legal ruling and the world prohibits it and insists on using it as it is considered a major sin and disobedience.
Likewise, whoever does this action must repent to God Almighty and resolve within him that he will not return to doing it again.
and strive as much as he can to remove it unless removing it results in severe harm or if he is not able to remove it because of the high cost, and he has no money to pay to remove it. Then sincere repentance will suffice him.
As for the ruling on someone who died or died and this tattoo is still on his body and he has repented of it and was unable to remove it before his death.
Sheikh Saleh Al-Azhari, a member of the Fatwa Committee, says that, God willing, God accepts his repentance and his command is delegated to God Almighty. He held him accountable for this sin.
I want to get a tattoo but it is haram. Are there any alternatives?
There is a difference between permanent and permanent adornment that changes the color and shape of an organ, and temporary adornment.
The first is forbidden, and it comes from changing the creation of God Almighty, and the second is permissible, and it is a permissible adornment.
Tattooing is a change in the color of the skin, by inserting a needle into the skin until the blood flows.
then filling that place with kohl or something else so that the skin acquires a color other than that which God Almighty created for its owner.
And dyeing with henna – and something similar – is not from this section, as it does not change the color of the skin, but rather drawings, patterns and colors that disappear after a period of time.
God Almighty has permitted a woman to adorn herself with this, on condition that the drawings of her adornment are not in the form of animate beings such as humans or animals, and on condition that this adornment does not appear to a man who is not her.
Finally, you have to learn, dear reader, the ruling of Islam in the process of tattooing, where Islam has said that tattoo’s are haram.
We also referred to Where in the Quran does it say tattoo’s are haram , in addition to the evidence contained in the noble hadith.