The Noble Qur’an was not only revealed for memorization or verbal recitation, but for understanding and contemplating its verses and acting upon them. Through the article, you will know the Importance of learning Quran with understanding, the wisdom behind the verses and their purpose.What are the steps needed to understand the Noble Qur’an?
Importance of learning Quran with understanding
Some people understand that reciting the Noble Qur’an means that the verses are recited either with or without a voice only, but the subject is not in this way. Reciting the Holy Qur’an is to reflect on the verses and know the deep meaning of them, meaning that you read with your heart and not just with your eyes.
Know the Importance of learning Quran with understanding so that the reader can contemplate the Qur’an, act upon it, and call to it. How do you implement what God has commanded you to fast and pray when you do not understand God’s verses and his book, just reading the Qur’an does not suffice the purpose.
The purpose of reciting the verses of the Noble Qur’an lies in working with what is mentioned in them, and reflecting on their meanings. It was reported on the authority of Ali bin Abi Talib – may God be pleased with him – that he said about Importance of learning Quran with understanding:
“There is no good in worship in which there is no jurisprudence, nor in reading in which there is no contemplation.”
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Steps to learning Quran with understanding
I will mention a set of steps that will ensure that you understand and contemplate the verses of the Qur’an:
Intention (internal readiness):
Contemplation of the Qur’an begins with the will of the person and is not achieved without the insistence of the person. Contemplation is a mental process that begins with the will of the person and a real intention to understand the Holy Qur’an.
External standby:
To find the appropriate course that will help you to read the Arabic language and read the Qur’an properly so that you understand the verses and their deep meaning, and prepare the appropriate place for the course so that you prepare psychologically when sitting in this place means that all focus is on the course and the Qur’an only.
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Learn Arabic to understanding Quran
The first step in understanding the Noble Qur’an is learning the Arabic language, how will you understand words that you do not know how to read in the first place, so learning the Qur’an in Arabic is an essential step.
But do not misunderstand me by first learning the full Arabic language and then starting to read the Qur’an, no, the Arabic language is not an easy language, so you can start learning by reading the Holy Qur’an.
Know the Objective
The Noble Qur’an has purposes. One article will not suffice to talk about it, but one of the greatest intentions is that it brings man out of darkness into light, from disobedience to guidance, from ignorance to knowledge.
If a person contemplates the Noble Qur’an, he has gained this world and the hereafter.The Qur’an guides you, and whoever wants to be guided must come with a clean heart.He comes while he is afraid and humbled to God and wants to get closer to Him.
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Know the Wisdom behind the Verses
Wisdom is the most important quality in a person, as it is the quality of prophets. Reaching wisdom is not an easy thing. To understand the wisdom behind the verses of the Qur’an, just consider this verse:
We have sent down to thee the Book in truth, that thou mightest judge between men, as guided by Allah. so be not (used) as an advocate by those who betray their trust;
إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَا إِلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ بِالْحَقِّ لِتَحْكُمَ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ بِمَا أَرَاكَ اللَّهُ ۚ وَلَا تَكُنْ لِلْخَائِنِينَ خَصِيمًا
Examples of his wisdom verses
Stories of Prophets and previous nations:
There are some verses that talk about the stories of the prophets and the experiences they went through, so we must know their stories so that we can learn from them and not fall into the same situations.
Glad tidings and Warning:
Some verses speak of the good news of Paradise, and these verses are good tidings for the righteous people. As for the warning verses, they are those who seek to corrupt the earth until they repent to God.
God’s Nature and Nature of creation
These verses make us understand the nature of life and the importance of understanding our lives in general
Do’s and Don’ts
Do not do all these verses because God needs that, God is self-sufficient, but we do them for ourselves, and God does what is right and good for us.
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Look for Context
When understanding the Noble Qur’an, an important thing must be understood, which is the context in which it was revealed in each verse. Each verse is an answer to a situation that occurred at the time.
Who is the author of the Quran?
Throughout the ages, people have questioned the Holy Qur’an and said that the Holy Qur’an was written by the Prophet Muhammad, that is, from a human being like us.
But the truth is not like that, for the Noble Qur’an was sent down from God Almighty through the revelation that was sent down to our prophet Muhammad.
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Remove Bias to learning Quran with understanding

Many of you have heard about the Noble Qur’an, and it may be that his idea is wrong. Not everything you hear is true, so you should give yourself a chance to learn. You must put all the old ideas aside and learn to read and understand the Qur’an.
Moreover, people differ in the level of their understanding and talents, so if a person’s level of understanding does not entitle him to easily understand the meanings and memorization is easy for him, then it is better for him to take advantage of the opportunity and take the initiative to memorize as much as possible with the determination to study the interpretation when there is an appropriate opportunity.
Who is the intended audience of the Quran?
The Holy Qur’an is a universal book, meaning that it speaks to all people. It does not differentiate into a particular culture or people, but all people of all sects, including Christians and Jews.
What is the intended outcome?
Understanding the Holy Qur’an is the purpose of knowing God’s wisdom in his creation and how to apply that wisdom in his daily life, and a person learns how to apply justice.
Get a Good Translation
As we said before, when translating the Qur’an from Arabic into English, the Qur’an loses much of its meaning, so I advise if you resort to this step, try as much as possible to ask a translator specialized in translating the Qur’an
What is the Quran about?
Noble Qur’an is the Book of God and it was revealed to our Master Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and divides the Noble Qur’an into 30 parts, and God directs His word to all people, not only Muslims.
At the end
As he mentioned, the Importance of learning Quran with understanding is great, so do not deprive yourself of this blessing and start now learning to read the Holy Qur’an through online courses that will shorten the distance for you.