Certainly many of you wonder what is the meaning of the word that a Muslim receives when greeting and needs to know its meaning, or at least wants to know salam alaikum mean in order to respond to it. Over this article you will recognize its meaning and how to write it and respond to it.
What is salam alaikum mean?
The scholars did not approve on what does salam alaikum mean, and the interpretations differed on the meaning. Among these meanings:
- May God protect you from every harm or evil.
- May God bless you in your religion and yourselves.
- A prayer that you say to others so that God protects him from everything.
The main question is why does a Muslim say to others salam alaikum, and not say”hello” for example?
As the word “salam” came from the word peace, which is one of the names of God, and the meaning of saying to you, peace be upon you, means that I know that I am a harmless person and do not fear me, and all I wish for you is peace.
the Messenger of God Mohammed (may God bless him and grant him peace) said:
“أفْشُوا السَّلامَ بيْنَكُمْ”
and that means spread peace among yourselves, that is, to say, “salam alaikum”.
Examples of salam alaikum mean
And whoever cannot understand the meaning of salam alaikum or has a problem reciting it, it means “Peace be upon you” in English. For a person who does not understand Arabic, he understands salam alaikum mean at this moment and with practice will pronounce it in Arabic.
Knowing salam alaikum means is essential now because it is the greeting that is widespread in the Islamic community and the countries that speak Arabic in general.
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Where does salam alaikum come from?
As we mentioned before, the greeting of salam alaikum comes from the word “peace be upon you”, but the question here is what is the advantage of saying to him, “Peace be upon you”
Islam has urged its importance:
- Spreading love and making people happy.
- Spread humility, and that the rich say to the poor, peace be upon you.
- Strengthening relationships between people.
- Achieving security and reassurance among people.
- And most importantly, it can be the reason for your entry to heaven.
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How do you respond to salam alaikum?
Surely some of you are now asking when someone passes by and says salam alaikum (peace be upon you), what is the appropriate response? The appropriate response is to respond to Wa-Alaikum-Salaam.
. It means that you wish God to protect him from all evil (it is the same meaning of salam alaikum).
Here, too, there is an important question, should I say Wasalamu alaikum if someone says salam alaikum? Yes, you should say Wa-Alaikum-Salaam. The Messenger of God, Muhammad, commanded us to respond to al salam like it or better than it.
And what is the best of Wa-Alaikum-Salaam?
To say “Wasalamu alaikum warahmatullahi” (peace and mercy of God be upon you).
Who should say salam alaikum first?
This greeting is given among Muslims in mosques, universities, social gatherings and everywhere. If a Muslim enters a place where there are people, who will say salam alaikum first?
The Prophet urged that the one who says salam alaikum first is the one who receives the greatest reward from God, and that is an invitation to spread peace among people.
It is not required that you greet those you know or your friends, but you can greet those you do not know and those you pass by, as this helps to strengthen relations between people.
But when it comes to respect:
- The young man greets the eldest out of respect for him.
- Walking should begin with greeting the seated person, because he is like the one who comes to him.
- The small group takes precedence over the bigger one, so it is better for the smaller set to greet the larger group first.
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How do you write salaam alaikum?

I will not say that the Arabic language is one of the easiest languages, but the word salaam alaikum is an easy word in the Arabic language and can be written, but you will need someone who understands Arabic to assistance you more in writing the letters.
But you can try on your own and with repetition it will be easier.
As-salamu alaikum is pronounced as-salam-u-alay-koom
Words near of meaning of salaam alaikum
Salaam alaikum, It is the greeting of Islam and is used by Muslims in Islamic countries as we mentioned before, and it is like hello and bye in English speaking countries.
But have you noticed that the word peace be upon you (salam alaikum) has a more beautiful meaning than hello, and if you think about it carefully, you will find it very beautiful.
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (“May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you”)
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Use in Prayer
Every Muslim knows that prayer is the basis of religion, and in order for prayer to be performed in a correct manner, you must know that a Muslim ends his prayers with As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi, so it is important in prayer that strengthens your relationship with God.
Did you imagine that a sentence like As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh could make your life better and strengthen your relationship with God and people stronger?
Salam alaikum Traditions

Salam alaikum it is considered a sunnah in Islam, meaning that the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to do that, and his followers did that until this act spread and all Muslims do it after him. This strengthens the relationship between the sons of one nation, that is, one family.
After that, it became a habit among people when they enter a place they say salam alaikum, and this helps to spread love and communication between people.
The same applies when he says peace be upon you. You are obligated to respond to him Wa-Alaikum-Salaam. With repetition, it will become a habit for you and people will know you, so the affection will spread.
The Prophet Muhammad once said: “You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I tell you about something which, if you do it, will make you love one another? Greet each other with salaam.”
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The worst societies are societies that do not communicate with each other, but the Muslim society is a strong society that loves communication. The Prophet Muhammad made us accustomed to loving people, and the word salam alaikum mean is a word to spread communication and spread love among people.