Every Muslim should read the Qur’an to know the rulings of God in addition to prayer. ِFor every letter in the Qur’an that you read, you will receive a reward for it. That is why many Muslims who do not speak Arabic ask:is reading the Quran in Arabic compulsory? Is it permissible to pray in English? All these questions will be answered
Is reading Quran in Arabic compulsory
No, it is not permissible to read the Qur’an in a language other than Arabic. God revealed the Noble Qur’an in Arabic, for it is an Arabic book that should not be read in anything other than Arabic.
The miracles of the Qur’an were in the language. It could be translated with another twist for the purpose of interpretation and clarification of the meaning, not reading, so that non-Arabic speakers would learn the meanings of the Qur’an.
No Translation Is Perfect
You ask an important question, why is reading the Quran in Arabic compulsory? Can I Read The Quran In My Language?
It is natural that when you translate a text from one language to another it loses a lot of its meaning and can be transformed into another meaning, as each language has its own rules and provisions, for the Arabic language is completely different from the English language. It is not guaranteed that the translator will translate a correct translation.
God Almighty has said about the Qur’an:
{In the perspicuous Arabic tongue},
قد قال الله تعالى عن القرآن: { بِلِسَانٍ عَرَبِيٍّ مُبِينٍ }
and if he recites it in a language other than Arabic, the miracle will not undoubtedly occur. And if he reads it in other than Arabic, the order will change.
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Can I read the Quran in English?

As we mentioned, you should not read the Qur’an in any language other than Arabic, but supplications, remembrances and praises can be translated.
And it is possible to recite the Qur’an outside the prayer in the English language, but not for the purpose of reciting it, but for the purpose of knowing the meaning. And so on for non-Muslims to call to God, and to clarify the provisions of God so that the non-Muslim knows the truth of the Qur’an and what it contains of knowledge, so that would be a reason for his entry into Islam.
Must reading Quran in Arabic to Receive the Rewards?
Yes, the Qur’an must be read in Arabic in order to obtain a reward from God
The Arabic language is the best of all languages, for it is the language of the Qur’an, and the language of the Master of the Prophets, Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.
In it Al-Shafi’i: It is obligatory for every Muslim to learn from the tongue of the Arabs what he can do with his effort in fulfilling his obligation with regard to what is mentioned in worship in prayer, such as recitation and remembrances, because it is not permissible in anything other than Arabic.
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How to read the Quran if you don’t know Arabic
If you want to read the Qur’an and you do not speak Arabic, there is a solution:
You can find a translator who knows the Qur’an well and its interpretations to help you read and learn intonation, and it will help you learn the Arabic language so that you can read the Qur’an by yourself.
Nowadays, the Internet is easy for everything, and there are many online courses that provide this service.
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The intellectual aspect of the Quran

The Holy Qur’an calls for intellectual reasoning and deduction, and considers thinking as worship, and it does not consider the basic beliefs to be true unless they are built on the basis of logical thinking.
The Qur’an, which calls for reflection and investigation, presents its fields as well, that is, it alerts man to the appropriate topics in which one can use his thoughts, and benefit from them as fields of his knowledge.
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The Spiritual Aspect of the Quran
God said:
“And we send down the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss”
وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَاءٌ وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ ۙ وَلَا يَزِيدُ الظَّالِمِينَ إِلَّا خَسَارًا
The meaning of this is that the Qur’an is a healing for the hearts, so when reciting the Qur’an, knots are untied, distress is relieved, and problems are resolved, for it is food for the soul.He is guidance and mercy to people.
When you ignore and do not read the Qur’an, you are unfair to yourself, depriving yourself of great psychological comfort, and making life difficult for you.
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Don’t Just Read Reflect On The Deep Meanings
So that you do not read the Qur’an in passing:
- Dedicate a portion of the Qur’an to daily reading
- Don’t be in a hurry to read
- Watch yourself while reading and see where you end the places you focus during reading as well as the times
- To renew your intention to recite the Qur’an and to pray for success from God
All of this will help you to read the Qur’an with concentration so that you know the deep meaning of the Holy Qur’an and the interpretations of the Qur’anic verses
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Can reading Quran in Arabic with English letters
No, it is not permissible to read in English letters, it is not permissible to distort the language of the Qur’an, and the meaning that you read it in letters other than Arabic is a distortion of it.
The Arabic letters differ from the English ones, and this can lead to a difference in meaning.