How to pray Eid al fitr prayer, Eid al-Fitr is the first Muslim holiday, which Muslims celebrate on the first day of the month of Shawwal, followed by Eid al-Adha in the month of Dhu al-Hijjah.
Preparing for Eid Salah
Do you know How to pray Eid al fitr prayer?
Islam legislated the two Eid prayers, the first prayer on Shawwal 1 AH every year and it’s call pray Eid la fitr prayer.
And the second on Dhul-Hijjah 10 of each year, in the first year of hijrah.
They are: An imposition of sufficiency according to the Hanbalis, the Imami.
And a confirmed Sunnah according to the Malikis, and the Shafi’is; It is obligatory at the tap. The prayer will be on the morning of the first days of Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr.
And it is proven in the hadith: that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, persevered in it, and commanded the men and women to go out for it.
and the Eid prayer is two rak’ahs, during which the takbeer is prescribed, and then one sermon.
Among the etiquette of Eid prayer, it is desirable to wash and perfume and to wear the most beautiful clothes.
On pray Eid al fitr prayer , it is desirable to break the fast immediately after the dawn prayer, by eating some dates or the like before going out to the prayer.
What is on Eid al-Adha, so it is mustahab to abstain after the dawn prayer until the time of sacrifice.
And performing prayer in the open (musalla) is better than performing it in mosques if possible, otherwise there is nothing wrong with doing it in mosques.
And about How to pray Eid al fitr prayer from mosques, as you can pray Eid al fitr prayer by following the imam.
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Praying with Six Takbirs

And complete how to pray Eid al fitr prayer.
One of the characteristics of the pray Eid al fitr prayer is that the imam attends the people and leads the people in two rak’ahs, saying the first takbeer of the Ihram, and then saying six or seven takbeers afterwards.
And that is for the hadith of Aisha, may God be pleased with her:
“The first takbeer for al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha is seven, and the second is five takbeers apart from the two takbeers for bowing.”
Then he recites Al-Fatihah, and recites Surah Q in the first rak’ah, and in the second rak’ah he rises with takbeer.
And when he finishes standing, he should say five takbeers, and recite Surat Al-Fatihah, And all these structure during pray Eid al fitr prayer.
Then Surat Al-Qamar:
“The Hour has approached and the moon has split.”
These two Surahs were recited by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, on the two Eids.
And if he wants, he reads in the first Surah Al-Ala and in the second Surah Al-Ghashiya with
“Has the hadith of Al-Ghashiya come to you?”.
It was reported from the Prophet Muhammad that he was reciting on the feast, glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High, and Al-Ghasheya.
This is what is stated in the Sunnah about how to pray Eid al fitr prayer.
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Praying Twelve Takbirs – How to pray Eid al Fitr prayer
When we talk about how to pray Eid al fitr prayer, or in other words pray Eid al fitr prayer, The scholars differed in the number of takbeers.
The takbeer is defined as: glorifying and glorifying God, the belief that there is nothing greater or greater than God – the Most High – and belittling what is below Him.
He is the great who has been humiliated and everything is subject to him, and the takbeer is that God – the Most High – is greater than everything, and dearer than everything.
The scholars differed in the number of Eid takbeers. The Shafi’is hold that the Eid prayer is two rak’ahs. The first rak’ah says seven takbeers, except for the takbeer of Ihram.
In the second there are five takbeers, except for the takbeer standing, and all the takbeers are before the recitation.
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The first rak’ah

The Eid al fitr prayer is two rak’ahs, and it has no adhan or iqaamah, as is well-known and by agreement of the fuqaha’. However, its quality differs from one sect to another, as follows:
Hanafi: Three takbirs are said in the first rak’ah after the takbeer of Ihram.
The Malikis and Hanbalis: Six takbeers should be said after the Ihram takbeer in the first rak’ah.
Shafi’is: Say seven takbeers in the first rak’ah after the takbeer of Ihram.
This is what was reported from the scholars regarding the first rak’ah prayer of Eid al-Fitr, where the scholars were interested in clarifying how to pray Eid al fitr prayer.
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The second rak’ah
How to pray Eid al Fitr prayer, Especially the second rak’ah and the number of takbeers.
The majority of scholars also differed on the number of takbeers in the second rak’ah, as follows:
- Shafi’is: Five takbirs in the second rak’ah, before the recitation.
- Hanafi: Three takbirs in the second rak’ah, after the recitation.
- Malikis and Hanbalis: Five takbirs in the second rak’ah after reading.
After you finish – How to pray Eid al Fitr prayer
After we have finished explaining how to pray Eid al-Fitr prayer, we will begin to explain the sermon on Eid prayer.
It is desirable to attend the Eid sermon after completing the prayer, even if the worshiper was originally given the choice between listening and leaving.
And that is because he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said after the Eid prayer:
“We are delivering the sermon, so whoever likes to sit for the sermon, let him sit, and whoever likes to go, he goes.”
Further notes
There are many etiquettes and Sunnahs related to the Eid prayer, including the following:
- The takbeer is from sunset on the last day of Ramadan until the imam goes out for prayer.
- It is desirable to decorate the two Eids in dress.
- Eating before going out to the prayer place on Eid al-Fitr.
- Going to prayer by one route and returning by another.
- It is desirable for him to go to the Eid prayer-place walking, not riding. If he goes riding, there is nothing wrong with that.
- If the Eid prayer is in the mosque, then if he enters the mosque, he prays two units of prayer.
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Eid prayers at home
After we have finished explaining how to pray Eid al-Fitr prayer in the mosque, we will discuss how to pray Eid al-Fitr prayer at home.
The four jurists of the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali schools agreed that the Eid prayer is to be offered in two units, and the opinions of scholars on its ruling varied.
The Hanafi school considers it obligatory, the Maliki jurists and the Shafi’i jurists view it as a confirmed Sunnah on the authority of the Prophet -peace be upon him.
It is permissible for a Muslim to pray the Eid at home, whether he prays alone or in congregation.
It is also permissible for the one who missed the Eid prayer in congregation to pray with his family.
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We dealt with everything related to the Eid al-Fitr prayer, starting from how to pray Eid al-Fitr prayer, to the etiquette and Sunnahs of prayer.