Takbeer during EID UL Fitr has great merit. Let us learn about the meaning of the eid takbeers, the correct way to enlarge on Eid al-Fitr, the optimal time for takbeer, the number of takbeer, and other related matters. Just read the following paragraphs to discover all that and more.
Takbeer during eid ul fitr
Allah instructs all Muslims in Surah Baqarah Verse 185,
The Qur’an, a guide for the people and clear proofs of direction and criteria, was revealed in the month of Ramadhan. So whoever sees the [new moon of] the month, fast it; and whoever is sick or traveling, fast an equal number of other days. Allah wants you to have ease and not a difficulty, and he wants you to finish the period and praise Allah for what he has directed you to, and perhaps you will be thankful.
Reciting Takbeer during eid ul Fitr, which is Allahu akbar, which means “Allah is the greatest,” is one of the best methods to “glorify Allah for everything which has led you.”
On Eid, however, there is a particular Takbeerat called Takbeer E-Tashreeq (tashriq), which the majority of scholars say is part of Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah to recite (ﷺ).
What is the meaning of the eid takbeers?
- The Takbeer during eid ul Fitr is translated as follows:
- Allah is the greatest,
- Allah is the greatest
- There is no god but Allah
- And Allah is the greatest
- Allah is the greatest and to Allah belongs all praise
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How do you do eid takbeer?
- Decide to pray the Eid prayer.
- When the imam the opening takbeer (‘Allahu Akbar’), say with him.
- Say the introductory Dua to yourself gently.
- The imam will say three more takbeer; you raise your hands for each one.
- Pay attention to the imam reciting Surah al-Fatihah and another surah.
- While entering into ruku with the imam, say ‘Allahu Akbar,’ and continue the prayer cycle as usual.
- Listen to the imam recite Surah al-Fatihah and another surah during the second prayer cycle.
- With the imam, add three more takbeer. Before ruku, place your hands to your sides after the third and last takbir.
- Say ‘Allahu Akbar’ with the imam as you move into the kneeling posture and finish the prayer cycle as usual.
*Please note that this is the Hanafi way of praying for Eid.
Please follow the imam if he recites additional takbeer.
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A slightly different version of takbeers
There is a variant in which Allahu Akbar is chanted three times instead of two, and the conjunction “wa,” which indicates “and,” is omitted. Both formulations are usually permissible, and the various schools of Sunni Jurisprudence favor one over the other.
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- la ilaha ill-Allah
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- Allahu Akbar
- wa Lillahi’l-hamd
When should we recite takbeer?
Allah be praised.
About Takbeer during eid ul Fitr: Allaah has commanded that His slaves recite takbeer at the end of Ramadaan. (Interpretation of the meaning) Allaah says:
“(He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allaah [i.e., to say Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar: Allaah is the Greatest)] for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him” – [al-Baqarah 2:185]
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How many takbeer in Eid ul Fitr prayer?

“that you must magnify Allaah” implies praising Him in your hearts and on your lips by saying the takbeer.
As a result, say:
- Allaahu akbar
- Allaahu akbar
- laa ilaaha ill-Allaah
- Allaahu akbar
- Allaahu akbar
- wa Lillaahi’l-hamd
- Allaah is Most Great
- Allaah is Most Great
- there is no god except Allaah
- Allaah is Most Great
- Allaah is Most Great, and all praise be to Allaah
You can also pronounce Allaahu akbar three times, as in:
- Allaahu akbar
- Allaahu akbar
- Allaahu akbar
- laa ilaaha ill-Allaah
- Allaahu akbar
- Allaahu akbar
- Allaahu akbar
- wa Lillaahi’l-hamd
- Allaah is Most Great
- Allaah is Most Great
- Allaah is Most Great
- there is no god except Allaah
- Allaah is Most Great
- Allaah is Most Great
- Allaah is Most Great, and all praise be to Allaah
Both are acceptable.
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The tradition of reciting takbeer on the way to the masjid for eid prayer
According to the majority of experts, this takbeer is Sunnah.
It is Sunnah for both men and women in the mosque, at home, and in the marketplace.
Men should say it aloud, but women should say it gently, as ladies are expected to say softly.
“If you notice something during the prayer, men should say ‘Subhan-Allaah!’ and women should clap.” the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stated. Women should recite the takbeer quietly, while males should recite it aloud.
If it is known that the new month has begun when the sun sets, such as after the people have finished thirty days of Ramadaan, or when the new moon of Shawwaal has been spotted, the time for this Takbeer during eid ul Fitr begins when the sun sets on the night before Eid (i.e., the night before).
And it finishes when the prayer begins, i.e., when the Eid prayer begins, the time for takbeer comes to an end.
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Is Eid takbeer wajib?
In al-Umm, al-Shaafa’i said:
Regarding Ramadaan month, Allaah states (interpretation of the meaning):
“(He wants that you) must complete the same number (of days), and that you must magnify Allaah [i.e., to say Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar: Allaah is the Greatest)] for having guided you” [al-Baqarah 2:185]
I received the following information from certain Qur’anic scholars whom I trust and who are knowledgable about the Qur’an:
“(He wants you to) finish the same number (of days) and exalt Allaah [by saying Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar: Allaah is the Greatest)] for guiding you,” it says.
After that, al-Shaafa’i said:
When people observe the Shawwaal new moon, I like them to recite takbeer collectively and individually in mosques, markets, streets, and homes, both travelers and non-travelers, in all conditions, no matter where they are. They should publicly declare the takbeer and continue to say it until they get at the prayer location the following day, and then they should cease saying the takbeer until the imam comes out to conduct the prayer.
Then he said that on the night before Eid, Sa’eed ibn al-Musayyib, ‘Urwah ibn al-Zubayr, Abu Salamah, and Abu Bakr ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmaan used to recite takbeer in the mosque, saying the takbeer out loud.
‘Urwah ibn al-Zubayr and Abu Salamah ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmaan recounted that they used to recite the takbeer aloud when they got to the prayer-pace in the morning and that Naafi’ ibn Jubayr used to recite the takbeer out loud when he came to the prayer-pace on Eid morning.
Ibn ‘Umar recounted that on the morning of Eid after the sun had risen, he would go to the prayer-place and recite takbeer until he reached the prayer-place, then he would repeat takbeer in the prayer-place until the imam sat down and ceased reciting takbeer.
For Muslims, Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha are significant holidays. As a result, Eid prayers are an integral element of celebratory celebrations. Many Muslims have had questions about that and Takbeer during eid ul Fitr. We’ve attempted to provide a comprehensive response on this topic; all you need to do now is look at the above.