Patience helps the child to develop his ability to think, to find solutions to obstacles and problems that he may encounter
The value of patience lies in its ability to make the child feel inner peace, which strengthens his personality
Patience in islam for kids and endurance are two important lessons that a child must learn, because they are among his basic skills
When we talk about stamina, we often think of physical strength rather than emotional or psychological stability
Although they are among the important things that a child should know, because they help him a lot when he faces difficulties during his development, and they play an important role in his future life
How to teach the child about patience
Many parents suffer from a lack of patience for their children in the course of daily life, such as impatient waiting for a meal, so today we about to learn patience in islam for kids
Not being impatient to complete school duties, not being slow and impatient to pack his room
and many other details that parents complain about. Let us know together the steps of teaching a child to be patient;
Explain to your child why he has to be patient
Your child must understand why he must be patient in a situation because he does not know that there are things that are beyond human control, and he must deal with them slowly and patiently until things go their natural course.
Praising your child’s patient behavior is important, especially when you notice that your child may be working with a particular situation patiently and deliberately without asking him to. Praising him helps reinforce the behavior.
It may be a good idea to teach your little one patience using a timer, as you can use an hourglass or digital,This will give your child to watch time decrease while they wait and help them know that there is an end to their waiting and patience, helping them understand that patience has a good outcome.
Try to do joint tasks with your child that require patience. You can teach patience to him through activities, by having your little one go through the process of creating something before getting the final result.
Unfortunately, some parents give their children a mobile phone or video games rather than keep them quiet and this does not teach children how to entertain themselves without using technology or learn how to focus.
Avoid interacting with your child’s urgency
Some children insist to take a certain order, and unfortunately the parents compromise and interact with this matter and respond to the child only in order to get rid of his urgency and annoyance, and this is wrong and enhances the lack of patience in your child.
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What is patience in Islam for kids?
On the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, may God be pleased with them both, he said: I heard the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, say,
“All of you are a shepherd and all of you are responsible for his flock, the imam is a shepherd and responsible for his flock, and a man is a shepherd of his family and is responsible for his flock, a woman is a shepherd in her husband’s house and responsible for her flock, and a servant is a shepherd of his master’s money and responsible for his flock. Shepherd and responsible for his flock
Raising children is between encouragement and intimidation, and the most important of all is to reform the environment in which the children live by providing them with the means of guidance.
One of the ways in which the educator succeeds in raising his children is by using a tape recorder to listen to sermons, tapes of the Qur’an, sermons and lessons of scholars, as they are many.
How to teach Patience in Islam for kids

Teaching children patience in islam for kids and self-control is one of the basic life skills that will help your child bear many burdens in the different stages of his life
These abilities may differ between people, but starting to teach them to children at a young age builds a strong and controlling personality.
Here are the most important tips for teaching your child patience in simple steps;
Be a role model for your child
Children acquire a lot of habits from watching their parents and the people around them, be sure to always be patient during your day with a lot of activities
While training your little one’s patience, remember to keep calm and smile and try to address any unwanted issues in a positive way, thinking out loud may be a way to help your kids participate in problem solving
Encourage him to show his feelings
When your child complains that he prefers to play or do something other than waiting, make sure to remain calm and encourage him to talk about his feelings and take them seriously, and try to find a solution that makes him accept the value of patience
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Children are unforgiving when their needs haven’t been met
Crying in a child is the normal emotional response when exposed to disturbing situations or painful experiences that are difficult for them to solve and deal with.
The degree of pain and sadness that the child feels in these situations varies depending on the child’s level of development
and previous experiences, and in general, the causes of crying in the child are summarized by feeling pain, fear, sadness, frustration, failure, confusion, or anger
Also, the child cries when he cannot express his inner feelings to those around him
and it is worth noting that parents need to develop specific directions to help the child learn and develop sound behaviors that are appropriate for different situations.
And then the child can learn to express what is going on inside him of different and varied feelings over time without resorting to crying
So, here are some rules to be followed that eliminate stress and crying between a mother and her baby:
It is the duty of parents to have the ability and desire to listen to the child first so that the child listens to his parents in return and therefore the solution to the problem of the child’s insistence on doing or not doing something in most cases is by approaching him in a calm and practical manner
Communicating with the child Parents should always strive to communicate with children
And show interest in them in a way that helps build a strong relationship with them, especially when dealing with the bold and rebellious child.
This makes it easier to deal with; Children who communicate in a healthy manner with their parents or caregivers want to cooperate with them and respond clearly to them.
Giving a child choices The best way to help a child be cooperative is to give them choices.
As his sense of freedom and control increases and that he is the decision-maker, for example, the child can be given the choice between the types of fruits he wants to eat, or give him the freedom to choose the game he prefers.
Showing respect for a child A child needs respect in the relationship built between parent and child
This is in order to avoid imposing authority on him in a severe manner. Here are some realistic examples that parents should take to show respect for the child.
” Read also: how to raise kids in islam“
What does Islam teach about patience?

In our lives, we often encounter crises and problems, some of us may not bear them in panic and anger, which makes them make mistakes that they regret.
Some of us are patient and turn to God to save him from his ordeal. Patience is the ability of a person to bear what he cannot bear
When God Almighty commanded us to be patient and urged us to do so, we find that He, Glory be to Him, has made clear to us some of the reward and great reward that is in it.
” Read also: How to teach Islam to your child“
What does the Quran say about patience?
There are many Qur’anic texts that talk about patience in the Holy Qur’an, including;
It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the east and the west, but righteousness is he who believes in God and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets and who gives money for his love to relatives and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggar and in the neck and establishes prayer and gives zakat and who fulfills their covenant when they covenant and who are patient in adversity and in adversity those who are true and those are the righteous”
Virtues of Patience in Islam
Patience has great and precious virtues.
- Great reward in the hereafter
- God’s love
- Paradise is for those who are patient with afflictions in this world
- Check with God for the patient
- The deliciousness and sweetness of faith for the one who is patient in abandoning sins
Dua for patience
O God, I ask You that praise is due to You, there is no god but You, the Most Gracious, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor, O Living One, O Qayyum.”
“Oh God, I seek refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debt, and being overpowered by men.”