The Arabic language is not one of the easiest languages to learn, but there is nothing difficult if a person wants and sets himself a goal, and many people ask Is Arabic hard to learn for English Speakers? Of course, there are radical differences between the two languages, but we will help you find the right start for learning.
Is Arabic a difficult language to learn?
Of course not, it is not the most difficult language to learn, and with evidence there are millions of people who speak it in addition to that it is one of the five most spoken languages in the world, and when you enter any mosque in any city in the world you will find hundreds of people who are able to read and interpret the Holy Qur’an.
Since the first impression of most non-English speaking people is that the Arabic language is difficult to learn, but from the opinion that there is nothing difficult, you should try the first and determine whether it is really difficult for you or not.
Is Arabic the hardest language in the world?
Of course, it is not the most difficult in the world, but you must know on what basis you determine that it is the most difficult or the easiest? There are several factors that determine the difficulty and ease of language:
The grammatical rules of the Arabic language differ a lot from the English, as the grammatical rules of the Arabic language are more complex than them. For example, the verb in the Arabic language differs depending on whether the speaker is a man, a female, or a group.
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The Arabic alphabet is very different from any other language, as the Arabic language is basically written and read from right to left, unlike the English language, in addition to the fact that the pronunciation of the letter itself varies according to its position in the word.
The other reason why Arabic is a difficult language is the many dialects in it. The Arabic language includes many dialects in different regions, as is the difference between English in the United States and English in Britain.
The Arabic language in Egypt differs from the Arabic language that exists in Morocco, for example, so you must determine before you learn what dialect you will learn, but people in universities learn Arabic Modern Fluency, where it is shared between dialects and understood by everyone who speaks Arabic.
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Is Arabic a useful language to learn?
Is Arabic hard to learn for English Speakers? For the reasons mentioned above, the Arabic language is considered somewhat difficult, and the English student will need more time to learn the Arabic language than the Spanish language.
But there is no language that cannot be learned. Contrary to your expectations, the Arabic language has many common words with the English language, such as (jasmine, orange, coffee, electric motor and many other words).
I do not say that it will be an easy journey, but it will certainly be a challenge for you, through it you will learn new skills in speech, occupy your brain and open new horizons in your mind, in addition, when you learn, you will be able to communicate from the Arab countries that can be visited, learn to read the Holy Quran And communicate with your friends of Arab origin.
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How hard is it to learn Arabic on your own?

You will need more effort than someone to help you, if you do not have the time for that, now there are millions of online courses that will help you learn the language in an easy and fast way and be suitable for your time.
But if you are going to learn on your own, there is no problem with that. There are a few steps that will help you:
First select the dialect you will learn:
As I said before, the Arabic language contains many dialects, so you can choose the language you like or the Arabic language, Modern Standard.
Starting from the basics
Start learning the letters first and how to pronounce them, don’t tell your art I’ll start with big words and I will appreciate, don’t do that try to simplify it for yourself and start with the basics
Try to make it easier for yourself as much as possible and try to hear the letters and words first and then start writing them, as TV programs and learning programs for children will help you with that.
Practice is the most important thing
Try to communicate with Arab friends as much as possible and hear them from them Arabic and try to repeat behind them and with repetition you will master the language and will not forget it.
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The hardest part of Arabic to grasp when learning the language?
In the Arabic language, there are difficulties such as learning many Arabic vocabulary to help you communicate better, getting used to the way of writing in Arabic, getting used to the phonetics of the Arabic language, in addition to the linguistics of the Arabic language.
And of course, there are teachers who help you with this task, and they start with you step by step.
How long does it take to learn Arabic for English speakers?
How much time to learn Arabic varies according to the person himself and how much time is devoted to learning Arabic, which is the background you have towards the language. Do you, for example, know the basics about the language or not? So, do you have a teacher or course to help you, or are you making an effort on your own? All of these factors determine how long you will master the language.
And what is more important than that, what is the motive that makes you learn the Arabic language, because the motive is what makes you continue to learn.
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At the end
So is Arabic hard to learn for English Speakers? No, The Arabic language is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. It is the language of the Noble Qur’an. In the event that you master it, it will open a new door of knowledge for you in addition to social communication. It is definitely a challenge for you.