I’ll attempt to discuss an old-fashioned question I’m often asked. How long to learn Arabic it’s needed? Rather than depending on speculation or guesswork, I’ll base my response on research and studies conducted to this end. This topic is discussed in this article thoroughly to make sure you get everything you’re looking for about this topic, and you can gain the maximum advantage of all.
Define Your Goals for learning Arabic
You may want to learn the Arabic language for one of the following goals, so you should specify it at the beginning before you start studying.
The Arabic major’s purpose may be to attain advanced language competency in all four language performance areas:
Reading, speaking, listening, and writing.
Even though coursework may be taught in Modern Standard Arabic, it can aid you in learning informal Arabic and improve your proficiency in both registers of the language.
Arabic majors will work in one of two academic disciplines: literature or linguistics, complementing their language study aims.
The aim of combining proficiency in language with an academic specialization is to offer Arabic majors who can converse and intellectual grounding they need to connect meaningfully with the Arab world and appreciate its cultural and intellectual traditions critically.
So many people seek to know how long to learn Arabic to achieve these goals and more.
How long to learn Arabic
If you have limited experience in the Arabic language, then three months is enough to reach a somewhat satisfactory level.
A testing standard is similar to used in Special Operations at one of the Armies.
At one point, the Arabic instruction lasted at least four months, while at another, it lasted six months.
Despite spending 8 hours per day studying, most of the men in the class failed to meet the Intermediate Low threshold.
Unfortunately, the technique and curriculum adopted were the fundamental reasons for so many men’s failures.
It is, nevertheless, feasible to acquire it well fast; it should not take four years of university study.
I’m not saying this to discourage you; instead, I’m trying to be honest and prepare you for what’s ahead.
From experience, I can tell you that the most damaging element of learning a language is so-called experts assuring you that you can learn a language in 10 days or three months.
After three months, I still couldn’t figure out anything in the film.
Now, after spending a significant amount of time understanding how to learn a language and learning French, Spanish, Hebrew, and German, I can confidently state that in 3 months and 10 hours per week, I could reach Intermediate Low level in Arabic.
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The role of approach and methodology in learning
In other words, the approach and curriculum you choose are the most critical elements in deciding how long it will take.
The first thing you should think about while studying the language you’d like to master is “How do I gain the necessary skills to be able to speak the language?
Any language will become easier to learn if you have a good:
- Approach
- Plan
- Books in place.
Consider it similar to going to the gym. Anyone may go to a gym and haphazardly experiment with various pieces of equipment.
In the sense of wasting cash each month when they pay for gym memberships.
They might do the same thing for years and come up with nothing.
They would, however, experience massive results if they engaged a personal trainer who would guide them every step of the way and offer them a workout schedule.
Learning a language is the same thing, and know-how long to learn Arabic or any language.
So, first, figure out how you’re going to achieve it, and then the timeline will become a lot apparent.
The better the approach and curriculum, the faster you learn the language, and the better you will do on the test.
Factors that affect How long to learn Arabic

It is among the first questions that anyone looking to learn a language is asking for, and there’s no straightforward solution to this.
Learning a language is a complex process that differs from person to person, depending on various circumstances.
Let’s have a look at factors that affect How long to learn Arabic and how they impact your ability to learn Arabic quickly:
Language Learning Experiences in the Past
You may be able to save time learning Arabic if you already know a foreign language or were raised multilingually.
Various linguistic studies have shown that bilinguals find it simpler to acquire a third language.
It is because they are naturally exposed to a variety of languages.
The ability to speak and understand one language can help with proficiency and fluency in another.
Don’t fret if you’re not multilingual or bilingual: maybe the year of Spanish at high school or your travel for business to Beijing was applicable.
In the context of talking about how long to learn Arabic.
Learning a little about what constitutes a language and the distinctive linguistic qualities of the language you wish to learn is one of the first stages in learning a language.
If you’ve studied foreign grammar, memorized vocabulary, listened to various sounds, and examined multiple letters before, your mind understands what to expect when confronted with a new language.
There are fewer surprises, and learning the language becomes more accessible and faster.
Being exposed to several languages can help you learn a language faster, especially if one of those languages you want to study.
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The Language You’re Trying to Learn
Even though Arabic is regarded as one of the most difficult languages for English speakers to master, it does borrow a few terms from the English Language.
When studying the Arabic language, these terms might help you save time.
Let’s have a look at a few examples:
- Kombiouter (كمبيوتر) = Computer
- Milyoon (مليون) = million
- Mikaniky (ميكانيكي) = Mechanist
- Maycrowayf (ميكرويوف) = Microwave
- Telefone (تليفون) = telephone
Some terms sound similar to English ones but have different meanings. This resemblance, on the other hand, may make them simpler to remember:
- أنا – sounds like “Anna” meaning “I” or “Me.”
- في – sounds like “fee,” meaning “in.”
- أرض – sounds like “ard” meaning “earth.”
- ألف – sounds like “elf,” meaning “thousand.”
Did you realize that numerous standard English terms have their origins in Arabic?
Please look at these English terms with Arabic roots that have made their way into other languages.
These terms are unquestionably your friends, and they can help you acquire the Arabic language much more easily and quickly.
How Do You Learn?
How long to learn Arabic is also influenced by your study methods.
It will take you a little longer to acquire a language if you learn it in a classroom setting.
If you are exposed to Arabic outside of class, though, you can shorten the time it takes to acquire it.
Reading, listening to the radio or reading eBooks, writing, speaking, watching movies, and visiting Arab-speaking nations can all help you learn faster.
Your mindset has a significant impact on how long to learn Arabic.
You’ll be more receptive to learning if you approach language study with a positive attitude and see it as a fun and intriguing way to widen your horizons and sound like a native while singing your favorite Arabic song.
You’ll be more driven to study and learn as much as possible, and the whole process will be more pleasurable and, as a result, go by more quickly.
Your Source of Inspiration
It is a given that staying focused is crucial when learning the language of your choice.
Many studies have demonstrated the role of Motivation in language learning.
The number one reason for many people’s language success, and the number one cause for other people’s failure, is their ability to stay motivated.
Experience that affects How long to learn Arabic
One of the most crucial elements determines how long it takes to learn Arabic or any language.
The language (s) You Speak
What is your mother tongue? What other languages do you have fluency in?
Yes, this will have an impact on how quickly you learn Arabic.
If you already know Hebrew or Amharic, both Semitic languages like Arabic, you’ll pick up the language faster than if you’re a native English speaker.
Learning Arabic dialects that significantly draw from French will also be more straightforward, such as Moroccan Arabic and Algerian Arabic if you know French.
If you’re a natural speaker of any Indo-European language, though, you’re out of luck… Arabic is regarded as one of the most challenging languages to master.
But don’t be concerned. This isn’t to say it’s impossible; instead, it’s a fun task.
So let’s get started!
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Your Previous Language Learning Experience
Another essential factor to consider when you want to know how long to learn Arabic is your past language learning experience.
Have you ever attempted to learn another language?
It will probably be simpler and faster for you to learn Arabic if you already speak a foreign language fluently or were raised multilingually.
According to several studies, bilinguals have an easier time learning a third language since they are naturally more habituated to being exposed to different languages.
Even if we’re only talking about high school French, studying and acquiring another language could benefit, even if you’re not multilingual.
Memorizing words and looking at various characters and symbols is a valuable skill that your language-learning mind will retain.
So, even though the two languages are utterly unrelated, the abilities you build in one will help you attain proficiency in the other!
Your Previous Grammar Knowledge
One of the first things you should do is learn the language basics.
This entails becoming familiar with and comprehending its structure and grammar.
It would be easier and faster for you to learn the grammar and syntax of another language if you had prior experience studying syntax and grammar, even if it was simply in your language.
If you want to study Arabic, it’s always a good idea to brush up on your grammatical basics or any other language.
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Learning Style that affects How long to learn Arabic

Another essential aspect in influencing how long it will take you to become proficient in Arabic is how you learn and study.
Your Methods to learning Arabic
Even if you go to class every day, it will take you longer to feel comfortable utilizing your language abilities if you confine your learning and studying to a classroom setting.
If you try to study Arabic outside of the classroom, you’ll be able to cut your learning time in half!
Try reading Arabic news, viewing Arabic movies and series, or listening to Arabic podcasts on topics you’re interested in.
Of course, finding a language-exchange partner with whom you can practice your conversation skills would be beneficial and will help you become fluent faster!
Another factor we haven’t discussed yet, but it’s the most crucial in deciding how long it takes to learn Arabic: the amount of time you spend studying it!
It goes without saying that if you want to learn quickly, you’ll need to devote as much time as possible to study.
Daily practice is ideal, and studies show that learners who devote an hour a day to learning—whether it’s remembering new words, studying grammatical rules, or watching a Netflix series—learn substantially quicker than those who attend lessons.
Of course, if you have the opportunity, complete immersion is the most excellent option.
It will make a significant impact if you can travel to an Arabic-speaking nation and live there for a short or long period.
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An approach that affects How long to learn Arabic
Your approach is another essential component that will impact t to know how long to learn Arabic. It can make a significant change!
Your Motivation to learn Arabic
It’s no secret that remaining motivated is crucial while learning new abilities, and this is especially true when it comes to studying a foreign language.
What motivates you to study Arabic?
Try to keep this in mind and make weekly (or even daily) goals to remind you of it for best effectiveness.
This will keep you motivated and prevent your enthusiasm for studying from fading.
Maintaining your Motivation will make you feel as though you’re learning more easily and rapidly, and it’ll be necessary for keeping a happy attitude throughout your language learning adventure!
Learning should be viewed as a joyful and engaging activity that you want to undertake, rather than a duty that you are compelled to perform.
Remember that learning a foreign language can broaden your mind and expand your horizons and provide you with a valuable set of abilities that you can apply in your daily life.
When you consider things in this light, the procedure will be much more pleasurable and faster!
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How long to learn Arabic in Levels Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Level?

So, let’s get down to business.
Even while it’s impossible to say for sure, we’ve attempted to estimate how long it might take you to attain various levels of Arabic (beginner, intermediate, and advanced).
Arabic is one of the most complex languages to learn for English speakers, making it all the more interesting and gratifying!
When spoken slowly and deliberately, a novice speaker of a language will identify oneself, grasp simple words, and ask basic inquiries, but it’s probably making some mistakes along the way.
You can get by with the essential reading and speaking abilities you obtained at this level if you want to greet people and order food.
According to the conclusions of the FSI learning timetable, it will take around 700 hours of study to reach the beginning level in Arabic.
This indicates that if you devote 15-20 hours per week to learning Arabic, you should reach this level in around eight months.
You’ll be able to participate in most common discussions at the intermediate level if spoken slowly and ask questions to ensure you understand.
This level will also allow you to read Arabic news and view Arabic videos without difficulty.
When you’re on the road, you’ll be able to converse with locals about familiar topics and ask for and follow instructions.
It is expected that 1000-1200 hours of study time would be required to achieve an intermediate level, including classes, homework, and practice time.
If you’re committed to learning Arabic quickly and you’re determined to understand it, you can do it within an entire year if you’re studying a minimum of 20 hours per week.
This is what you want to attain if you become fluent and know how long to learn Arabic.
You’ll be able to negotiate any issue that may happen in your everyday life and has sophisticated conversations with native speakers if you have excellent language abilities.
You’ll be able to view movies without subtitles and read a wide range of Arabic-language literature.
You’ll have a good command of the language, even if there will always be something more to learn about this intricate but in beautifully.
According to some estimates, at the very least 200 hours worth of Arabic instruction is required for the English language speaker to speak Arabic efficiently.
This means that if you want to learn Arabic fluently in a year, you’ll have to devote your entire year to studying it.
If you aren’t in a hurry, you can acquire the language in around two years if you devote about 20 hours each week to studying and practicing.
However, all of these durations are estimations since one’s language learning progress is highly dependent on a variety of circumstances.
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Can I learn Arabic in 6 months?
In the context of talking about how long to learn Arabic. It is unrealistic to expect to learn Arabic in six months.
Under normal conditions, a non-native Arabic speaker will not master the language in six months.
That said, you can certainly learn a lot in six months, but you’ll have to do something similar to what I did.
You’ll have to do Arabic all day, every day, under near-ideal conditions.
You might become quite proficient at a modest level if you could live in an Arabic-speaking nation or a total-immersion environment and take official lessons as well as use Arabic outside of class.
You could undoubtedly learn quite a deal rapidly if you spent practically little time on the letters or grammar.
It isn’t all that difficult if you approach Arabic grammar like any other language.
The most challenging thing is getting used to seeing words and sentences written in Arabic.
You’ve most likely spent your entire life becoming accustomed to seeing words in English that look like this.
Using a distinct set of symbols necessitates learning visual recognition, which is more complex than most people believe.
It’s feasible to learn the alphabet in a few weeks, but it takes a long time to progress from needing to sound out everything to identify total words.
How to Learn Arabic Fast

We live in a world of incredible technological advancements designed to save us time, and recent studies have shown that contemporary technology keeps the average individual two weeks each year.
If all of this is true, as study has proven, why do we appear to be busy than ever these days?
When students opt to study Arabic, time appears to be one of the essential elements.
So, they always want to know how long to learn Arabic.
How Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had 25 hours in a day and eight days a week to devote to improving our Arabic language skills?
However, like most others, our professional lives and personal obligations appear to conflict with it.
This brings us to one of the most often asked questions.
When it comes to learning Arabic, how long does it take? Sadly, there isn’t a simple solution to that question.
This paragraph will answer it by explaining why some individuals learn Arabic faster than others.
Like learning any other language, learning Arabic is a lengthy and challenging process. It varies from person to person depending on various factors that influence how quickly or slowly they learn.
To learn Arabic quickly, you must be able to find answer the following points:
What other languages have you studied before?
Are you already fluent in two languages? This can help you learn Arabic faster.
According to research, fluency in one language enhances fluency and competence in another.
Bilinguals find it simpler to acquire a third language since they adapt to diverse languages more effortlessly.
Your mind already has a good idea of what is ahead while learning Arabic by studying its grammar, remembering its vocabulary, and hearing its many sounds.
Knowing what to expect reduces the number of surprises, making language acquisition more accessible and faster.
What Arabic do you already know?
Sure, sure. We’re sure you’ve heard the tales and read the lists about how difficult it is to learn Arabic.
When learning fundamental Arabic terms, though, you may discover that you already know some of them because Arabic borrows words from English and vice versa.
This is as we explained to you in detail in the previous lines.
Other factors may help you identify the best ways to learn Arabic faster, and all of them were discussed in the previous lines, such as the following:
- Your Learning Methodology
- The Time You Dedicate to Learning Arabic
- How do you feel about learning Arabic?
- What Inspires You
The complex interaction of all of these elements determines how long it will take you to learn Arabic, and knowing this can help you devise techniques to learn Arabic more quickly.
How Our Website Can Help
So, what exactly are you waiting for? Now is the most significant moment to begin learning a new language!
The sooner you begin studying, the sooner you will communicate in Arabic and reach your language objectives!
You’ll discover all types of language learning resources on us to make your trip as smooth as possible: courses for all levels, vocabulary lists, a dictionary, blog pieces, and so on.
The amount of time it takes to learn Arabic is determined by how much time you are prepared to devote to it.
Our Arabic courses and materials are mainly intended to provide you with all the tools you need to learn the language fast and effortlessly, so you can be sure that you’re making the most use of your time!
This article is provided to help you; how long does it take to learn classical Arabic, and How long does it take to learn basic Arabic conversationally?
And how you study and know the learning strategies you utilize will significantly impact how quickly you pick up Arabic and help you understand how long to learn Arabic.
For example, if you can only study Arabic in a classroom setting, it will probably take you a bit longer to learn, as we told you in the previous paragraphs.
You may, on the other hand, shorten the time it takes to learn Arabic by Get Yourself The Right Tools, such as:
- Online courses
- Books
- Videos and Podcasts
And, if you have the opportunity, go to Arab-speaking countries
Only, It’s up to You When You Decide to Learn the Arabic Language.