Can I wear makeup during Ramadan? Is it true that putting on cosmetics counts as breaking the fast? Is it true that wearing lipstick during Ramadan breaks the prompt, or is it just seen as makruh (disliked) in Islamic law? Such questions recur in the minds of many women; if you are one of them, we will help you, madam, to find an answer to them on this subject, God willing.
Can I wear makeup during Ramadan?
In the context of the question about can I wear makeup during Ramadan?
Skin cosmetics do not break the fast since they do not reach the belly, allowing a woman to apply makeup and other cosmetics on her skin.
Nonetheless, a Muslim lady should avoid this since cosmetics, and their application might promote desire or incite lust.
A fasting person (male or female) is generally in worship. Thus, they should avoid anything that causes lust.
As a result, using perfume or cosmetics during Ramadan is not advised.
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What is not allowed on Ramadan?

- Fasting is refraining from food and drink and bad habits and sins, including smoking, cursing, gossiping, arguing, fighting, or being rude, unkind, or selfish.
- During the hours of fasting, sexual connections are also prohibited.
- You have broken the fast if you have sex while fasting and must do kaffarah.
- Fasting is not required for pregnant, menstruating, or nursing women.
- If you start your period during Ramadan, your fast will be interrupted, and you will have to make up for it later.
- If you make yourself vomit willingly, the fast is broken; but, if you vomit unexpectedly or involuntarily, the prompt is not broken.
- Do not consume the vomit; else, the fast will be broken.
- You may clean your teeth and rinse your mouth, but you must not ingest any water, or the fast will be broken.
- Swimming, bathing, and showering are acceptable as long as no water is swallowed.
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What does the Quran say about makeup?
When we answer this question: Can I wear makeup during Ramadan?
We should also know answers to this question: What does the Quran say about makeup?
Women have a natural desire to embellish and enhance themselves.
In general, Muslim scholars from Islam’s significant schools of thought believe that women can use cosmetics under specific circumstances.
Only put on cosmetics for your hubby and mahrams.
Makeup should only be used for a short period.
Muslim thinkers generally emphasize the first point.
For their spouses, Muslim women are permitted to wear cosmetics.
Makeup should not be worn to attract non-mahram folks.
This fatwa is based on Surah An-Nur verse 31 of the Quran.
“And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment [i.e., beauty] except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands” fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess [i.e., enslaved people], or those male attendants having no physical desire, four or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.” — Source: Quran 24:31
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Can I wear makeup during Ramadan or any time?

The critical point to consider is how to make wudu (ablution).
Making wudu is a significant aspect of the everyday lives of Muslims. Water must reach the skin’s surface to complete wudu.
It is thus prohibited if the cosmetics produce a waterproof barrier on the skin. Permanent cosmetics, such as lip and eyebrow tattoos, are also prohibited.
The same reason nail polish isn’t always regarded as halal is its permeability.
Can I wear makeup during Ramadan or in public?
This is a hotly debated subject.
According to certain hardline Islamic scholars, it is haram for Muslim women to use cosmetics in public because such beauty should be reserved for their husbands and mahrams.
Women are permitted to use cosmetics in front of non-mahram, according to Mufti Siraj Desai of Darul-Uloom Abubakr in South Africa, to cover up scars and markings, such as foundation.
On the other hand, other researchers feel that women should be permitted to use cosmetics in public to appear attractive and respectable but that it should be kept simple and basic.
Most essential, the cosmetics should not draw undue attention, particularly from non-mahram people.
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Which makeup brands are halal?

Can I wear makeup during Ramadan?: Finding Halal beauty brands might be difficult.
Halal beauty refers to cosmetics that adhere to Islamic guidelines.
This indicates they are free of pig-derived and other “haram,” or prohibited substances.
As part of the religious requirements, halal cosmetic products must be wudu-friendly (i.e., water-permeable). Consider these halal beauty brands.
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AMARA COSMETICS – Can I wear makeup during Ramadan
AMARA COSMETICS is a company that specializes in cosmetics.
Are you looking to round up your cosmetics collection with a few essentials?
Yes, Amara Cosmetics carries everything you need and nothing you don’t.
The Halal-certified blush, liquid eyeliner, small eyeshadow palettes, and rich matte lipsticks like Berry Red are easy to layer and blend.
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Tuesday In Love Halal Eye Shadow Palette in Nude Earth
This product also offers pigmented, long-lasting eyeshadow palettes.
Because these colors are much too lovely to smudge with your fingers, the brand also offers angled eyeshadow brushes that you may add to your basket.
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786 Cosmetics Breathable Nail Polish
786 nail paint is not only animal-free and alcohol-free, but it’s also water-permeable.
According to the brand, water may penetrate [the] nail paint, allowing you to conduct Wudu and pray without removing it.
The color palette is unique, with a beautiful combination of pinks, neutrals, and bold colors.
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Inika Organic Liquid Foundation
Inika Organic Liquid Foundation is a certified organic liquid foundation.
Everything from this Australian company is organic, animal-free, and Halal, including Inika’s liquid foundation, infused with hyaluronic acid for added hydration.
Aside from makeup, the company also sells skincare.